Passionately Catholic: Obey Him to the Brim

by Suzy Kelly


Ponder this…

Not many people like to be told what to do. Even as young children, we didn’t like to be told to clean our rooms, do the dishes or come home at a designated curfew. We want to do what we want, when we want and how we want. But is this what the Lord is asking us to do? Let’s take a look at sacred scripture for the answer.

Do you remember the first miracle that Jesus performed as written in the gospel of St. John? It happened at a wedding feast, which is significant. When the servants approached the mother of Jesus about the wine running low, she directed them to her son who told them to fill the jars with water. The servants filled the jars to the brim. You can’t fill a jar beyond its brim. In other words, they obeyed Jesus completely.

We are called to do the same. For us to obey the Lord completely, we must know precisely what the Lord asks of us by reading his word and following the teachings of his church. Even when the teachings are difficult. If we follow the Lord in all that he asks of us, we will be assured of a heavenly reward.

I’m Suzy Kelly, and I am passionately Catholic.





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