Johnson and Walz Spar Over Taxes, Refugee Resettlement In First Minnesota Gubernatorial Debates

MN Governor Debate

It’s been just one week since Rep. Tim Walz and Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson won their respective primaries, but the two are already hitting the debate circuit in their race for Minnesota’s governor seat. On Friday, the two went head-to-head in front of a live audience in Nisswa, Minn.,…

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Muslim Celebration of ‘Unity and Power’ at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minnesota, With Chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’

More than 20,000 Muslims are expected to gather at U.S. Bank Stadium Tuesday morning in celebration of the Islamic holiday known as Eid al-Ahda commemorating the sacrifice of Abraham. As such, the holiday, known as the “Feast of Sacrifice,” often involves the ritual sacrifice of an animal, though organizers of…

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Bredesen Refuses to Release Tax Returns, Offers No Comment on Whether He Personally Benefits from Solar Investment Tax Credit

Phil Bredesen

Former Tennessee governor Phil Bredesen could soon become one of the wealthiest members of Congress, but the 74-year-old candidate has declined to release his income tax returns. Bredesen did recently file financial disclosures, which all candidates are required to do, revealing that he had an income of between $3.3 million…

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NOW Calls on Keith Ellison to Drop Out of Race for Minnesota Attorney General Amid Abuse Allegations

Keith Ellison

Rep. Keith Ellison managed to win last week’s primary in his bid for Minnesota attorney general, but one organization is now calling on the controversial Democrat to drop out of the race amid abuse allegations. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party offered Ellison its official endorsement Saturday during its state executive committee…

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Keith Ellison Still Popular Among Dems Despite Abuse Allegations, Support of Cop Killers

Keith Ellison

Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison is facing accusations of domestic abuse from his former girlfriend, yet still managed to win in Tuesday’s primary for Minnesota attorney general. The outspoken critic of President Trump announced in June that he would be leaving his seat representing Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District, which has remained…

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RNC Co-Chair Blasts ‘Lame-Duck Governor’ of Ohio John Kasich

John Kasich, Bob Paduchik

Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chair Bob Paduchik recently blasted Ohio Gov. John Kasich for his inability to move on from his defeat in the 2016 presidential election. Kasich recently gave a controversial interview with “ABC’s This Week” when he claimed that congressional candidate Troy Balderson did not invite President Trump…

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In Upset Over Pawlenty, Johnson Will Face Off Against Dem Walz in Minnesota Gubernatorial Race

Jeff Johnson, Tim Walz

After a shocking upset over former Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Republican nominee Jeff Johnson is set to face off against Rep. Tim Walz in the Minnesota gubernatorial contest. Pawlenty, the last Republican to occupy the Governor’s mansion, failed to secure the nomination from the state party, but vastly outspent the Hennepin…

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Richard Cordray, Dem Candidate for Ohio Governor, Hopes to Continue Monitoring Consumers Just Like He Did at CFPB

Richard Cordray

Democratic-hopeful Richard Cordray recently announced in his bid for Ohio’s governor seat that he intends to enact failed policies from his time at the Obama administration’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). In April, it was revealed that under Cordray’s direction the CFPB allegedly faced at least 1,000 different hacks, including…

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