Businesses in Major Cities Board Up Ahead of Election As Left-Wing Radicals Plan to ‘Create a Crisis’

by Debra Heine


In cities across the nation, wary residents are preparing for violent demonstrations surrounding the election.

Businesses in Washington, D.C., New York City, BostonPortland, Chicago, San Francisco, St. Louis, and many other cities have begun to board up windows and entrances with plywood ahead of the expected violence.

Preparations in DC reportedly resemble what would see in a coastal town bracing for a hurricane.

Large swaths of downtown Washington, within blocks of the White House, resembled a coastal community girding for a powerful hurricane. Hotels, office buildings, coffee shops and restaurants were sheathed in plywood, with some of the makeshift barriers stretching nearly entire blocks.

Although officials say “they’re not aware of credible threats of violence on or after Election Day,” leftists in multiple states are openly planning to hold mass demonstrations and “mobilizations” surrounding the election.

A coalition of over 135 left-wing advocacy groups, including “Stand Up America” and “Indivisible,” have announced that they are organizing “Protect the Results” demonstrations in at least 375 cities on Nov. 4.

On Election Day, a far-left group called “Shutdown DC” plans to hold an eight-hour extravaganza at Black Lives Matter plaza complete with a Jumbotron showing election results. The event will also “have DJs, performances from dance troupes like DC’s Step Africa, three GoGo bands, and speeches.”

In the days following the election, the organizers plan to mob and harass Republican lawmakers “at the train station or the airports or if they drive into town we can meet them at their homes.”

The week after the election members of Congress (many of whom will have just been voted out of office) are coming back to DC to go back into session. If Trump is trying to launch a coup, that’s no time for business as usual. We’ll meet them at the train station or the airports or if they drive into town we can meet them at their homes. And if Trump has already conceded, then we can pivot and use these actions to demand COVID-19 relief and other essential legislation!

An undercover reporter sat in on a Zoom chats among various left-wing groups, including Shut Down D.C., Black Lives Matter, and the Sunrise Movement, an organization dedicated to advancing climate change legislation.

Independent journalist Millie Weaver said the radicals were planning major disruptions in D.C. with the help of Democrat office holders, federal employees, and intelligence contractors.

“They plan to shut down Washington D.C. and other major U.S. cities starting on November 4th until Inauguration Day,” Weaver explained.

The organizers talked about using the sycophantic ear of the corporate media to get their left-wing message out.

“If you read the mainstream press, they all have Signal accounts,” said one of the organizers. “Text them. Leak everything you can.”

He added: “Journalists I’ve dealt with have been super ethical in ways to shield me to being the source of the leaks.”

The agitators discussed the need to characterize the outcome of the election if Trump wins as a “coup.”

“On the 5th, we’re going to shut down the White House,” said one delusional organizer. “On the 6th, we’re going to shut down larger parts of Washington D.C.”

Legendary left-wing organizer Lisa Fithian was also in on the call.

“We’ve been working on a target map and a framework for scenarios,” she said. [The Shut Down DC target map can be viewed here].

“So, where are all the police stations, where are all the key government buildings, who are the Trump boosters?

“Members of congress that are coming in, we’re going to meet them at the airports or Union Station and send them back to where they came from until we deal with the situation that we’re in,” a male organizer said.

“We are going to be in a crisis, but we want it to be one that we are creating,” Fithian told the junior radicals. “Whoever’s got the guns, can win! Let’s take over the buildings. If there are people who are willing to do that, we should support them,” she added.

A coalition of left-wing groups in Minnesota, meanwhile, are preparing to execute wide scale “strategic disruption” in the event President Trump wins the state.

A leaked document obtained by Breitbart News revealed what the leftists are planning.

Led by TakeAction Minnesota, described as a “hub for Minnesota’s progressive movement,” the groups warn of a need for mass mobilization in a recently leaked highly confidential document circulating among the group’s leadership and intended as a prep guide for the coming weeks.

“We believe that regardless of the strength of the Minnesota election system, mass mobilization will and must happen in Minnesota to defend democracy,” the leaked document reads.

“We expect that this mobilization will create space and opportunity for unrest, primarily in Minneapolis. In this context, the situation could rapidly spiral beyond control depending on the nature of the unrest and the State’s reaction.”

The left-wing agitators appear to be setting up a narrative blaming the right and the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) for inciting the violence.

“The possibility of right-wing violence is real, as is the possibility of MPD inciting or enabling violence,” the document warns, adding that the MPD is “either disengaged or instigating tension” during and since the “uprising” immediately following the murder of George Floyd.

The unrest appears to have been in the works since at least Sept. of 2019, documents show.

“A major Color Revolution organizer will be Sean Eldridge, the Founder of ‘Stand Up America,’” tweeted researcher “Echo Chamber.”

“’Stand Up America’ led the mail-in voting drive in *all 50 states* and works closely with George Soros,” he added. “The SAME people who pushed mail in voting are organizing the DC protests.”

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Boarded Up” by Lorie Shaull CC2.0









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