Swing State Election Boards Engaged in Legal Battles over Election Certification Ahead of November

County election boards in swing states across the country are engaged in legal battles over election certification ahead of the November elections, while others were threatened with legal action if they didn’t certify election results.

With the presidential election less than five months away, county election board members are either initiating or find themselves the subject of legal actions over the certification of elections. That process occurs before the state can certify election results.

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Commentary: Only America First Can Reverse the Global Chaos Caused by the Biden Administration

Joe Biden Nato

There is only one word to describe the result of President Biden’s foreign policy: chaos.

Just consider how we have seen the Biden administration treat Israel, one of America’s closest and most important allies.

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Former Admin Officials and Experts Lay Out Trump’s America First Foreign Policy Expectations

An “America First” foreign policy includes focusing on deterrence and building up U.S. military strength while developing a new approach to the Russia-Ukraine war and learning from mistakes made by President Joe Biden, according to foreign policy experts and former Trump administration officials.

In the new book “An America First Approach to U.S. National Security,” more than a dozen experts and former officials describe their foreign policy recommendations that may be implemented if former President Donald Trump is re-elected this fall.

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