Passionately Catholic: Give Your Undivided Attention

by Suzy Kelly


Ponder this…

Have you ever been in a social setting, say a party or a dinner or at a local coffee shop, having a conversation with someone, and they don’t seem to be paying any attention to you? They don’t seem to be listening? Maybe they are even looking past you as if to find someone else more interesting to talk to.

In our effort to look and feel more important, sometimes we forget to give our full attention to the person in our presence. Maybe our eyes roam around to find a more interesting or influential person to converse with. We’ve all experienced moments where others become distracted and forget we are even there. Keeping our eyes focused on the person in our midst is often not easy. Let’s face it, we all get distracted so easily.

How do we combat such distractions? Try seeing each person in your presence as the most important person in the world and give them your undivided attention. The Lord has placed that person in your life at that moment for a reason. Don’t let distractions interfere with your relationships and your work with the Lord.

I’m Susie Kelly and I am passionately Catholic.





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