TENN Values PAC Supporting Bill Lee Launches Radio Ad Campaign

Bill Lee

A Tennessee-based political action committee, TENN Values PAC, has begun to air radio ads to support conservative businessman Bill Lee’s bid for the Republican nomination for governor.  The group has also launched a targeted digital advertising campaign aimed at likely Republican primary voters across the state.

“TENN Values PAC is an independent political organization that supports conservative businessman Bill Lee to be the next governor of Tennessee because he understands hardworking families want a high-quality education for their kids, good-paying jobs in their communities and safe neighborhoods,” according to the description of the organization on its website, www.tennesseevaluespac.com.

The organization will began airing its first radio ad, “Conservative Outsider,” in the Knoxville media market last week.  The 60-second ad highlights Bill Lee’s outsider status as a “successful businessman and seventh-generation Tennessean,” and calls attention to several of the GOP gubernatorial hopeful’s positions, including “term limits and a lobbying ban for politicians” and “new work requirements for TennCare recipients.”

“Conservative Outsider” Transcript:

Bill Lee is a conservative businessman, not a politician.

Lee has created over 1,000 good-paying jobs for electricians, pipe fitters and plumbers.

Now, this successful businessman and seventh-generation Tennessean is running for governor.

Bill Lee knows how to create jobs and solve problems, and its starts by making state government more accountable.

Bill Lee will fight for term limits for the state legislature and he’ll pass a five-year lobbying ban for former lawmakers to stop the influence peddling in Nashville.

And Bill Lee knows the importance of hard-work and personal responsibility.

As our next governor, Lee will require able-bodied TennCare recipients to work for their benefits.

Term limits and lobbying ban for politicians.

New work requirements for TennCare recipients.

Better paying jobs and opportunities for all Tennesseans.

Bill Lee is the successful businessman and conservative outsider we need.

TENN Values PAC paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Listen to the spot:


Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill notes that the opening line of the pro-Lee ad is almost identical to the phrasing on the side of Randy Boyd’s campaign bus: “Conservative Businessman. Not a Career Politician.”

“Obviously, that line polls well,” Gill says. “Since the only ‘politicians’ in the race are Congresswoman Diane Black and House Speaker Beth Harwell, and with Harwell polling in low single digits, it is pretty clear that the PAC and the Boyd campaign are both targeting Black with that reference.”

At this point the Republican nomination for Governor is a battle between Black and Boyd, according to Gill’s analysis. “If Lee is going to get ‘in play’ he has to bring down the Black numbers by appealing to conservatives who are supporting her and draw them his way — soon. Early voting starts in about 45 days, and his ‘nice guy’ campaign hasn’t really moved the numbers for him. A heavy weight slugfest is brewing between Black and Boyd, and if Lee doesn’t start throwing some punches himself, or through his PAC, then he will find himself outside the ring watching the contenders fight for the belt.”

Tom Humphrey has more details about those behind the new pro-Lee PAC, as does Cari Wade Gervin at the Nashville Post.








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