With Charter School Bills Dead, Virginia Republicans Turn to Lab Schools, but Democrats Are Wary

Governor Glenn Youngkin campaigned on creating 20 new charter schools in Virginia, but the Virginia Senate Education and Health Committee killed Republican-led charter school legislation. As a result, Republicans are pivoting to lab schools — schools that are part of the local district operated as partnerships with education programs at local higher ed institutions. Legislation to expand Virginia’s lab schools to institutions with programs beyond education is currently in conference committee with negotiators from the House of Delegates and the Senate to try to create a compromise to send to Youngkin.

“It’s going to be an opportunity for us to move some charter-schools-lite through,” House Majority Leader Terry Kilgore (R-Scott) told The Virginia Star during a discussion of top priorities at the beginning of the 2022 special session.

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Loudoun County Public Schools Announces Town Halls, Parent Advisory Group

Loudoun County Public Schools has announced that it will hold town hall sessions at four locations on April 18, 19, and 21, with some sessions held simultaneously. On Tuesday evening, the school board also voted to form a parent advisory group.

“These Community Town Hall meetings will be facilitated by RTI International, an external firm leading strategic planning on behalf of the division. Loudoun County School Board members will also be in attendance. These sessions are designed to create a space for community members to think about and articulate their vision for all students in LCPS moving forward. Participating community members will have an opportunity to offer input and provide feedback on the most important actions they’d like to see the division take over the next five years, as well as programs and practices that they hope will be added, discontinued, or otherwise considered,” the district announced.

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Virginia US Rep. Rob Wittman Talks Southern Border and Homeland Security Threat with John Fredericks

Friday morning on The John Fredericks Show, host Fredericks welcomed US Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA-1) on the show to discuss the chaos at the southern border and questioned how states are going to manage the influx of illegal migrants.

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Virginia State House Democrats Propose $50 Tax Rebate to Car Owners

The Virginia House Democrats announced a proposal to give a $50 tax rebate to Virginia car owners, up to $100 per househould — a counter-proposal to Governor Glenn Youngkin’s call for a months-long suspension of Virginia’s 26.2-cent gasoline tax.

“Unlike the plan proposed by Governor Youngkin and supported by Republican members of the General Assembly, the House Democratic plan will send funds directly to Virginia drivers and at less than one third of the cost,” the caucus said in a Friday press release. “Last week, Governor Youngkin said, ‘We can’t guarantee anything,’ when asked if his plan would pass savings to consumers. This matches criticism by legislators, business leaders, and economic experts who say that consumers would see little, if any, savings from such an action.”

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House Passes Virginia Rep. Connolly’s Resolution Calling for a NATO Center for Democratic Resilience; Reps. Good, Cline Opposed

Gerry Connolly

The House of Representatives passed Congressman Gerry Connolly’s (D-VA-11) resolution supporting NATO and calling on President Joe Biden to support establishing a Center for Democratic Resilience (CDR) within NATO. The resolution received Democratic support and significant support from Republicans, but 30 percent of House Republicans voted against the bill, including half of Virginia’s Republican congressmen.

“Our commitment to shared democratic values is what distinguishes NATO from other military alliances,” Connolly said in a Tuesday press release. “Without it, NATO is just another military block that does not like Russia. This commitment cannot remain purely aspirational or rhetorical. It must be operationalized. This is why we believe that we need formal architecture in NATO itself. There are divisions and units within NATO dedicated to collective defense, terrorism, hybrid warfare, cyber, climate change, and all other security challenges. But after 72 years, there’s not even a broom closet in NATO headquarters dedicated to democratic institution building.”

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The John Fredericks Show: Virginia State Senate Candidate John McGuire Talks Youngkin’s Tax Cut

John McGuire

Thursday morning on The John Fredericks Show, host Fredericks welcomed House Delegates member John McGuire who is now running for the Virginia State Senate to talk about why his running and getting Governor Younkin’s tax cut passed through the Senate.

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Youngkin Replaces State Agency Ban Phasing Out Single-Use Plastics with Order Promoting Recycling

Glenn Youngkin wearing a safety vest; at a landfill

Governor Glenn Youngkin has rescinded an executive order from former Governor Ralph Northam that ordered Virginia agencies to phase out single-use plastics and Styrofoam. Youngkin issued a new executive order to promote recycling in state agencies and eliminate food waste.

“Too often in the past, Virginia has been presented with a false choice between saving our environment and growing our economy. The growing market for post-consumer recyclables demonstrates that we can do both,” Youngkin said in a press release. “We need to bridge that disconnect to better conserve our natural resources, reduce waste that goes out to landfills and promote new clean energy jobs here in Virginia. We should be focusing our resources and energy on providing a cleaner supply of recyclable materials.”

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Youngkin Signs Bill Allowing Lower Property Tax for Surviving Spouses of Service Members Killed in the Line of Duty

Governor Glenn Youngkin approved Delegate Kathy Tran’s (D-Fairfax) bill allowing localities to charge reduced property tax rates on property owned by surviving spouses of service members who died in the line of duty.

On February 4, Tran told a subcommittee, “I’m really proud that Virginians have gone to the ballot box again and again through constitutional amendments to support our military and their families. We’ve given property tax relief to 100 percent disabled veterans and the surviving spouse of 100 percent disabled veterans and the surviving spouse of a service member who was killed in action. But those categories leave a glaring omission: service members who were killed in the line of duty and their spouses.”

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Neil W. McCabe Reports from Mar-A-Lago About the Premiere of New Film ‘Rigged’ Detailing Voter Fraud

WarRoom Battleground’s Stephen K. Bannon talks with Neil W. McCabe of The Star News Network live outside Mar-a-Lago before the premiere of The Rigged 2020 Election.

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Youngkin Appoints New Parole Board Members

Governor Glenn Youngkin has picked new parole board members after Senate Democrats blocked his previous appointees.

“After the Democrats attempted to cover up a scandal of their own creation and keep individuals from receiving parole, it’s time to reform the Parole Board again and put the scandals behind us,” Youngkin said in a Wednesday press release.

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Biden Appoints Two Virginia University Presidents to HBCU Advisory Board

President Joe Biden has tapped two Virginia university presidents to serve on the President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). On March 31, Biden announced 18 intended appointments to the board, among them Virginia State University (VSU) President Dr. Makola Abdullah and Norfolk State University (NSU) President Javaune Adams-Gaston, Ph.D.

“The President’s Board will advance the goal of the HBCU Initiative, established by the Carter Administration, to increase the capacity of HBCUs to provide the highest-quality education to its students and continue serving as engines of opportunity,” a White House press release said.

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Youngkin Gas Tax Holiday Legislation Includes a Two Percent Cap on Future Rate Adjustments

Tara Durant and Steve Newman

Senator Steve Newman (R-Bedford) and freshman Delegate Tara Durant (R-Stafford) have introduced the Youngkin administration’s three-month gasoline tax holiday bill. In addition to the tax holiday, the bill includes a two percent cap on the annual rate adjustment, which is based on the consumer price index.

“There are so many hard-working Virginians who need some type of break at the gas pump right now. Governor Youngkin is leading by putting forward a bill, which I’m proud to sponsor in the Senate of Virginia, that will temporarily suspend the Virginia gas tax,” Newman told The Virginia Star in a statement.

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Youngkin Signs Bills Tightening Restrictions on Breeders-for-Testing as New USDA Report Reveals Envigo Euthanized Dogs Without Anesthetic

RICHMOND, Virginia – Flanked by beagles and legislators, Governor Glenn Youngkin signed five bills tightening regulations on dog and cat breeders, a reaction to dramatic reports at beagle breeder-for-medical-testing Envigo, but a full ban on breeding for testing faltered in February.

“This is an important signing ceremony. And it’s important because it signifies how we’re supposed to work together,” Youngkin said from the steps of the Executive Mansion on Monday. “Behind me represents a very diverse group of legislators, legislators that oftentimes find themselves on different sides of issues. And this particular set of circumstances brought people together to do the right thing, common ground, reaching across the aisle working constructively to get things done in a comprehensive way.”

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With No Budget Compromise Ready, General Assembly Meets and Adjourns Special Session for Now

RICHMOND, Virginia – The General Assembly met briefly on Monday afternoon after Governor Glenn Youngkin recalled them for a special session to complete and pass a budget compromise and finish other legislation. The legislators passed rules for the special session that allow them to adjourn until Speaker of the House Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) or Senate Rules Committee Chair Mamie Locke (D-Hampton) recall the legislators with 48-hours’ notice. Then, since the budget compromise isn’t ready, the legislators adjourned.

“I was disappointed at the pace the work was going,” Youngkin told the media after a ceremonial bill signing on Monday morning. “I was disappointed there wasn’t more work last week. Everybody’s here today, and I expect them to get to work today. And I know that there are meetings that can be held, and should be held, and will be held. So it’s important to go ahead and get people back to work, and I think calling them back to special session is an important motivator to do that.”

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VCDL, VAPLAN Rank Virginia’s General Assembly Legislators

Nick Freitas and Mark Obenshain

The pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has released a scorecard of legislators from the recent General Assembly session, with most Republican legislators scoring 100 percent.  In tallies that count votes, Delegate Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper) and Senator Mark Obenshain (R-Rockingham) earned the highest scores based on the number of votes cast and who introduced legislation. The Virginia Progressive Legislative Action Network (VAPLAN) has also released a scorecard, finding that Speaker of the House Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) and Delegate Thomas Wright (R-Lunenberg) tied for most conservative in the House, while Senator Steve Newman (R-Bedford) was the most conservative in the Senate.

“Congratulations to Senator Mark Obenshain (R – Harrisonburg) and to Delegate Nick Freitas (R – Culpeper) for having the best voting records in the General Assembly,” the VCDL wrote in an update. “And honorable mention goes to Senator Ryan McDougle (R-Mechanicsville and freshman Delegate Marie March (R-Pulaski), who both came in 2nd place.”

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Virginia Delegate Bob Good on Democrats: ‘Nothing That They’re Doing Makes Sense Unless You’re Literally Trying to Destroy the Country’

Live from Virginia Friday morning on The John Fredericks Show, host Fredericks welcomed U.S. Congressman Bob Good to the show to discuss the gender-neutral airline pat-down modifications, southern border surge, and Democrat policy.

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Youngkin Signs 45 Bills, Including Bill Closing Farm-Use Placard Loophole

Governor Glenn Youngkin signed 45 non-controversial bills on Friday, ahead of the General Assembly’s return to the capitol for a special session on Monday. Youngkin’s announcement highlighted bills to cut fees for sportsmen, increase law enforcement training to recognize human trafficking, and strengthen school safety audits.

“We are here to provide solutions to the problems that matter to Virginians and we are working every day to serve our parents and students, veterans and law enforcement,” Youngkin said in the press release. “I thank these bipartisan legislators for their ability to find common sense solutions for their constituents and the Commonwealth.”

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Democrats from Virginia Congressional Delegation Praise Passage of Insulin Price Cap Bill, but Rep. Rob Wittman Says It Would Expand Federal Control of Private Insurance

The House of Representatives passed HR 6833, a bill to cap a month’s supply of certain insulin products at $35 or 25 percent of the plan’s negotiated price. Only 12 Republicans voted for the bill and Virginia’s delegation split along party lines. Several Virginia Democrats touted the bill’s passage in press releases, but in a Friday email update, Representative Rob Wittman (R-Virginia-01) said the bill was a major expansion of federal control over private health insurance.

“Today, we are talking about the Affordable Insulin Now Act, a bill that would make changes in the lives, in Virginia, of the more than 630,000 Virginians who are living with diabetes,” Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia-07) said in a speech, highlighted in a press release. “The Affordable Insulin Now Act would finally make sure that every affected child, teenager, family member, every American can afford the insulin that they need. People living with diabetes do not have the choice of whether to purchase insulin or not — they depend on it to stay alive.”

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Virginia Department of Transportation: Results of Independent Review of Days-Long Snow Storm Traffic Jam Being Analyzed

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) says it is in possession of an independent review of what caused a days-long traffic jam on I-95 in January. 

“VDOT’s top priority is and always will be the safety of the traveling public, and as we learn from each event, this report highlighted key areas for us to refine in our winter-weather operations,” said Virginia Commissioner of Highways Stephen Brich according to a press release. “Our on-road messaging, snow-clearing resource staging and partner engagement are all areas in which we are exploring new approaches to improve our response. Above all, we remain committed to better executing our mission of keeping Virginia’s transportation system safe every day and in the face of future extreme weather events.”

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Virginia Department of Transportation: Results of Independent Review of Days-Long Snow Storm Traffic Jam Being Analyzed

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) says it is in possession of an independent review of what caused a days-long traffic jam on I-95 in January. 

“VDOT’s top priority is and always will be the safety of the traveling public, and as we learn from each event, this report highlighted key areas for us to refine in our winter-weather operations,” said Virginia Commissioner of Highways Stephen Brich according to a press release. “Our on-road messaging, snow-clearing resource staging and partner engagement are all areas in which we are exploring new approaches to improve our response. Above all, we remain committed to better executing our mission of keeping Virginia’s transportation system safe every day and in the face of future extreme weather events.”

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Florida Teacher Sobs She Can No Longer Share Details About Her ‘Marriage’ to ‘Trans-Fem Person’ with First-Graders

The Twitter account known as Libs of Tik Tok featured a video of a Florida first-grade teacher bemoaning how she can possibly proceed with teaching the six-year-olds in her class when the state’s new Parental Rights in Education Act prevents her from discussing personal details about her “marriage” to a “trans-fem person.”

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Virginia Gov. Youngkin Launches Task Force to Address Lack of Safe Placements for Foster Care Children

Glenn Youngkin

Governor Glenn Youngkin launched the Safe and Sound Task force to create safe placements for children in foster care, and said that from February 1 through July 30 2021, 163 children spent at least one night in unsuitable arrangements such as local social services departments, hotels, and emergency rooms.

“It is unacceptable that last year over 150 children in foster care spent the night in places that just simply are not meant for kids. When this challenge came to our attention, my administration knew we had to act swiftly to ensure that every child has a safe place to belong,” Youngkin said in a Friday press release.

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Hard Rock Bristol Casino Announces Plan to Open Temporary Casino in July

A temporary, full-service casino in Bristol will open July 8 while construction continues on the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Bristol, the developer announced Wednesday.

Chief Operating Officer of Hard Rock International Jon Lucas said in a press release, “As Virginia’s first casino, ‘Bristol Casino – Future Home of Hard Rock’ will be a wonderful addition to the Hard Rock global portfolio of dining, hotel and entertainment properties. I am pleased by the significant progress that Allie Evangelista and her team are making towards a July 8 Grand Opening celebration for Bristol.”

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Appeals Court Grants Stay, Allowing Thomas Jefferson High School to Use Admissions Policy for Class of 2026

The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay in the lawsuit against Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) on Thursday, with two of the three judges on the panel concurring. The decision allows the school to use its controversial admissions policy for the class of 2026 while the case proceeds.

“I have grave doubts about the district court’s conclusions regarding both disparate impact and discriminatory purpose, as well as its decision to grant summary judgment in favor of a plaintiff that would bear the burden of proof on those issues at trial,” Judge Toby Heytens wrote in the concurring opinion.

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Data Shows Virginians Fleeing Large Cities in Droves

According to a Virginian informational group Virginians are fleeing the states large cities in massive numbers, while more rural areas are becoming more heavily populated. 

Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) released data showing that migration per 1,000 people was highest in northern Virginia. 

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Democratic Virginia State Sen. Joe Morrissey Says He’ll Vote for Gov. Youngkin Massive Tax Cut

Live from Virginia Wednesday morning on The John Fredericks Show – weekdays on WNTW AM 820 / FM 92.7 – Richmond; WJFN FM 100.5 – Central Virginia; WMPH AM 1010 / FM 100.1 / FM 96.9 (7-9 p.m.) Hampton Roads; WBRG AM 1050 / FM 105.1 – Lynchburg/Roanoke; and weekdays 6-10 a.m. and 24/7 stream –  host Fredericks welcomed State Senator of Petersburg, (D) Joe Morrissey to discuss Governor Glenn Youngkin’s pressure on Virginia House and Senate members to pass a budget.

Fredericks: Joining us now is State Senator, Petersburg Democrat Joe Morrissey. Joe, great to have you with us.

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Virginia Rep. Luria Blasts Biden Defense Budget over Plan to Decommission Ships

Representative Elaine Luria (D-Virginia-02) blasted the Biden administration’s Fiscal Year 2023 $773 billion Defense Budget proposal, criticizing a plan to decommission ships in favor of cost savings. Luria, a Navy veteran, is facing a potentially serious re-election challenge with Senator Jen Kiggans (R-Virginia Beach) and Jarome Bell, also Navy veterans, fighting for the GOP nomination. The area includes a large number of military bases, including Naval Station Norfolk.

“I have delayed putting out a statement about the Defense Budget because frankly it would have been mostly full of words you might expect from a Sailor, but here goes: It sucks,” Luria wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday.

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Trump, Perdue Back Buckhead City’s Escape from Atlanta

The man running to unseat Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp in the May 24 Republican primary told The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network that Kemp failed Georgians out in many ways, and one of them was when Kemp refused to back the separation of Buckhead City from Atlanta.

“Look, this is a governor that has sold us out,” said former senator David A. Perdue Jr., the man President Donald J. Trump endorsed to defeat Kemp.

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Virginia Office of the Attorney General Asks Appeals Court to Block Stay of Ruling Against Thomas Jefferson High School Admissions Policy

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has filed an amicus brief asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to deny a stay after a district court ruled that the admissions policy at Thomas Jefferson (TJ) High School for Science and Technology is discriminatory.

“Thomas Jefferson High School has been consistently among the top public schools in the country, and they created and maintained this achievement with a merit-based admissions process. But over the past year, Thomas Jefferson High School changed their policy to prioritize an individual’s race over merit. By doing so, Thomas Jefferson High School has discriminated against deserving students and violated the Equal Protection Clause. This is not equality,” Attorney General Jason Miyares said in a Wednesday press release.

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University of Richmond Renames Six Buildings over Former Namesakes’ Ties to Slavery and Eugenics

The University of Richmond is renaming six buildings and instituting naming guidelines after the Board of Trustees approved the work of the recently-concluded naming commission.

“We recognize that not all members of our community will agree with these decisions,” President Kevin Hallock and the Board said in a Monday message to the community. And we recognize that the University would not exist today without the efforts of some whose names we have removed. The Board’s decision to adopt the principles and remove building names, while ultimately unanimous, was extremely challenging. Members of the Board began this process with strongly held differences of opinion, and the subsequent discussions were candid, thoughtful, and constructive. In the end, the Board concluded that the decisions outlined above are the best course of action for the University.”

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21 States Join Lawsuit to End Federal Mask Mandate on Airplanes, Public Transportation

Twenty-one states have filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s continued mask mandate on public transportation, including on airplanes.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody are leading the effort. Moody filed the suit in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida along with 20 other attorneys general. DeSantis said the mask mandate was misguided and heavy-handed.

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At Agricultural Conference, Youngkin Highlights Importance of Agriculture, Forestry to Virginia’s Competition with Other States

RICHMOND, Virginia – Governor Glenn Youngkin told attendees at the Virginia Governor’s Conference on Agricultural Trade that Virginia’s agriculture and forestry industries are key to his goal to have Virginia win in competition with other states.

“I have already put all the other governors on notice. We’re here to win. We’re here to win in all respects. We’re here to grow jobs. We’re here to keep Virginians here. We’re here to have people from your state come to our state. We’re here for international markets that actually see Virginia’s products as best in the world. And as part of all that, just so you know, you have an enthusiastic, engaged, fully-energized chief marketing officer as your governor,” Youngkin said.

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Senator Reeves Battles Orange County Circuit Court Judge over Monument Outside Courthouse

State Senator Bryce Reeves (R-Spotsylvania) joined protesters outside the Orange County Courthouse on Monday after Judge David Franzén expressed an intention to call a grand jury to call on the Orange Board of Supervisors to remove the Confederate statue on courthouse property. Reeves is calling for an ethics investigation, saying Franzén’s actions violate ethics codes blocking judges from engaging in political activity.

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Virginia DMV Refunding 2,700 Drivers After Excess Charges

People at windows of DMV

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles is refunding drivers after a misreading of the law led the agency to wrongly charge more than 2,700 truck drivers with highway use fees.

“[The] DMV discovered that an interpretation of the 2020 highway use fee legislation led to the system being programmed in a way that included some lighter trucks in a category with cars that are subject to the highway use fee,” Jessica Cowardin, a spokesperson for the Virginia DMV told The Center Square.

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Youngkin Signs Del. Scott’s Bill Allowing Localities to Reduce Car Property Tax Rate

Glenn Youngkin

Governor Glenn Youngkin approved Delegate Phillip Scott’s (R-Spotsylvania) HB 1239, which will allow localities to reduce the property tax rate imposed on cars without impacting other personal property tax.

“With prices soaring on the necessities that families and individuals use every day, Virginians are in dire need of relief to their wallets. I am proud to sign this legislation and work with the General Assembly to empower localities to lower the cost of living,” Youngkin said in a Monday press release.

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Keeney Leads New Republican PAC, ‘Bold Dominion’

Taylor Keeny

Former congressional candidate Taylor Keeney is helming Bold Dominion, a new Republican PAC that is starting out by supporting Senator Siobhan Dunnavant (R-Henrico), and Delegates Emily Brewer (R-Suffolk), Carrie Coyner (R-Chesterfield), and Kim Taylor (R-Dinwiddie.)

“This PAC is going to be focused on getting the next generation more involved in supporting Republican candidates. It’s a shared experience among everyone on this board that we can do a better job getting more people involved in the process and provide additional support people in tough races by doing so,” Keeney told The Virginia Star.

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At Liberty University, Youngkin Calls for Christians to Serve in Politics and Internationally, and Pitches His Tax Relief

Governor Glenn Youngkin spoke at a Friday morning convocation at Liberty University. He told those in attendance that public service is a calling from God, and touched on policy issues including Ukraine, law enforcement, discussions of race in schools, and polarized two-party politics.

“It’s not an ‘or’ moment, it’s an ‘and’ moment. Today in America there are voices on the far left that so want to silence the voice on the right. They want to cancel conservative speakers on campuses. They want to silence voices who disagree with them,” he said.

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Virginia Rep. Wittman and Washington Rep Kilmer Announce New Caucus Focused on Navy’s Public Shipyards

Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA-01) and Derek Kilmer (D-WA-06) announced a new caucus focused on the Navy’s four active public shipyards on Friday. Other members of the Public Shipyard Caucus include Representatives Elaine Luria (D-VA-02) and Bobby Scott (D-VA-03).

“The Public Shipyard Caucus is the only congressional caucus focused exclusively on the nation’s public shipyards and serves as a venue to discuss public shipyard issues, increase stakeholder support for public shipyards, and raise awareness of their importance to Congress,” a Wittman press release states.

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Miyares Chairs New PAC Aimed at Electing Conservative Prosecutors

Attorney General Jason Miyares is the honorary chairman of new PAC Protecting Americans Action Fund (PAAF), which is focused on supporting conservative prosecutors in races across the U.S. The new PAC is operated by GOPAC.

“As we thought about how we continue to have an impact and what at our core is making sure Americans have personal and economic security, because that’s the basis of American success, Americans having personal and economic security, there was a big area missing,” GOPAC Chairman David Avella said in a Thursday press conference. “That was making sure that we had prosecuting attorneys who are willing to enforce the law.

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Virginia Court Issues Narrow Temporary Injunction in Favor of 12 Parents Who Sued over School Mask Mandate Opt-Out

U.S. District Court, Western District of Virginia Judge Norman Moon has issued a temporary injunction in a lawsuit by 12 parents of children at high risk due to COVID-19, blocking enforcement of Virginia’s new law and executive order requiring school mask mandate opt outs. The injunction is narrowly focused on the plaintiffs, and the order is careful to clarify that both the executive order and the law remain in effect in Virginia.

“E.O. 2 and S.B. 739 are the law in Virginia and they remain in force, affording parents the choice whether their children should wear masks to school, notwithstanding any school rule that would require students to wear masks.
The Court’s decision and injunction today directly impact only the twelve Plaintiffs in this case. The Court enjoins Defendants from enforcing E.O. 2 and S.B. 739 only as against these Plaintiffs in their ability to ask for (not definitely to receive) from their schools some amount of masking as a reasonable modification,” Moon wrote in the order issued Wednesday.

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NewsGuard Still Gives Perfect Credibility Ratings to News Orgs That Spread Misinformation About Biden Laptop

Self-appointed news media truth arbiter NewsGuard has not downgraded any mainstream press organization’s trust rating, despite several of those outlets labeling the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop story “disinformation” just before the 2020 election. 

The Washington Post, USA Today and Politico were among the outlets to dismiss the story as possible disinformation, according to the Media Research Center. 

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Youngkin Calls for Special Session to Begin April 4, Pressures Budget Negotiators with $150,000 March Madness TV Ad

Governor Glenn Youngkin is calling the General Assembly to convene for a special session on April 4 to finish work on the budget and other bills that were carried over at the end of the recent session. “Today I am calling back lawmakers to Richmond to finish their work. Between…

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Former Virginia Delegates Carroll Foy, Ayala to Battle for Senate District 33

Former Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor Hala Ayala announced her campaign for the Democratic nomination for the new Senate District 33 in Prince William and Fairfax Counties. She will face former Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, another Democratic heavy-hitter, who lost the nomination for governor to Terry McAuliffe in 2021.

“Right now, too many Virginia families are feeling squeezed,” Ayala said in a press release obtained by Blue Virginia.

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Biden SCOTUS Nominee Ridiculed for Refusing to Define ‘Woman’

Marsha Blackburn

As part of the hearings for her confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked by a Tennessee Senator to define the word “woman.” 

Sen. Marsha Blackburn pressed Jackson for a definition, which the judge said she could not provide. The following is the transcript of the dialogue between the pair: 

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Citing Regulations, Company Plans to Move Natural Gas Plant Project Out of Virginia

A power company that intended to build a natural gas power plant in Southeast Virginia will move the project to either West Virginia or Ohio, citing regulatory issues and opposition from environmental groups in the commonwealth.

Chickahominy Power LLC, which planned to build the plant in Charles City County, had been working on the project for more than five years, according to a company statement. The company has officially terminated its project.

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Former Del. Aird Announces Campaign for Senate District 13, Will Face Sen. Morrissey

Former Delegate Lashrecse Aird announced her candidacy for the 2023 Democratic nomination in the new Senate District 13, setting up a primary battle with State Senator Joe Morrissey (D-Richmond), who intends to move into the district and run for the seat. “In just one month, I’ve watched our Commonwealth torn…

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Virginia Safety and Health Codes Board Revokes COVID-19 Regulations for Employers

coffee shop with Edison lights hanging from ceiling

The Virginia Safety and Health Codes Board voted Monday to revoke standards regulating how businesses and employers must respond to COVID-19.

After the vote, recently-appointed Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) Gary Pan said, “At the beginning of this journey here through COVID, there was a lot of uncertainty and we didn’t really know what we were going to be facing, but we now have a lot of experience. And that’s important and we will be working vigilantly to make sure that we continue to protect our employees and employers in the workplace.”

“We are on the path to normalcy here in Virginia and throughout the United States,” Pan said.

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Richmond Judge Approves Second Casino Referendum

A Richmond judge approved a second Richmond casino referendum, Mayor Levar Stoney announced Monday.

“Today is a good day in the City of Richmond because our residents have an opportunity to vote in November for 1500 good-paying jobs and tax relief with the One Casino + Resort referendum being back on the table thanks in part to the recent certification by the Virginia Lottery and the subsequent ruling by Richmond Circuit Court today,” Stoney said in a press release.

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